Tips and Tricks

First and foremost, Ship is designed for speed! This collection of tips and tricks will help you get the most out of Ship by spending the least amount of time using it.

Linking to Problems

It’s super useful to share problem URLs in chat, emails, commit messages and source code.


Select a problem in a list, or open it in a viewer window and choose Edit → Copy URL (⌘⇧C) to put a link to the problem on your clipboard.


Long press on a problem in a list, or open it in a viewer sheet and use the Share button to Copy a URL to your clipboard.

Opening Problems by ID from anywhere (Mac)

Anywhere on your system that you can see a numeric problem ID (e.g. 1), just select the number and press ⌘⇧X to open it in Ship. This shortcut is registered as a system service so it works in any App on your Mac!

Add Screenshots and Other Attachments (iOS)

While editing a problem, do a single tap within the Add Comment region of the problem. A menu will appear allowing you to add photos (including screenshots), videos, or other files from iCloud, Dropbox and other cloud storage providers.

Add Screenshots or Other Attachments (Mac)

There are two ways to add attachments on the Mac.

  • Just drag the file into the problem comment region from the Finder


  • Choose Edit → Attach Files … (⌘⇧A)

Quickly Relate Problems (Mac)

You can drag a problem from a list view or from either its ID # or the icon in the window title to the Related button in any other problem window to establish a relationship.

You can also easily create a relationship between two problems by Copy the first problem’s URL, and then going to the second problem and Clicking Relate → + New Relationship. The relationship popover will be pre-filled with the details of the first problem on your clipboard!

Quickly Relate Problems (iOS)

  1. Find the first problem you want to relate, and Copy its URL.
  2. Find the second problem you want to relate, open it, and tap on the Relate button at the lower left of the screen.
  3. Tap Edit
  4. Tap +
  5. Because the other side of the relationship is already on your clipboard, the relationship will be pre-filled with its details!

Create a New Problem from a Template

If you frequently find yourself setting the same component, classification, milestone, or assignee, or even comment text, you can save a link that will create a new problem with those fields pre-filled.

For example, here’s a link that creates a new problem, assigns it to me, gives it the title “Hello World”, and the description “info here please”.


The full list of query parameters that can be passed to ship://Problems/New are as follows:

  • title
  • assignee
  • description
  • component
  • milestone
  • priority (just give the number)
  • classification

Even better, you can put these together with a global keyboard macro accelerator such as Fast Scripts, and get a global hotkey to create a new problem with the pre-filled info of your choice. For example, for Fast Scripts, just bind an AppleScript with the following contents to the keyboard shortcut of your choosing:

do shell script "open 'ship://Problems/New'"

Quickly Create New Problems Based on a Template

On the Mac version of Ship, Using the File → New Special menu, you can easily use the current foreground problem as a template for a new problem. This is useful if, for instance, you have a large list of problems to file that differ only a little from each other.

Customize data shown in list views (Mac)

In any list view in the Overview [⌘0], you can right (ctrl) click on the table header to customize the columns shown. The full list of columns available are:

  • Unread
  • Problem #
  • Title
  • Assignee
  • Originator
  • Resolver
  • Component
  • Classification
  • Priority
  • State
  • Modified
  • Created
  • Resolve Date