Quick Start for Users

If you haven’t already, start by installing the client.

Filing New Problems


Choose File → New (⌘N)


Tap the Compose button

When filing a new problem, only the title field is required, however it is recommended to fill out as much of the information as you can, as this data will help you track the problem more effectively over its lifetime.

Once you have filled out as much of the problem as you can, Choose File → Save (⌘S) on the Mac, or tap the Save button on iOS to push your changes to the server.

Finding Problems Assigned to You

From the Overview, there are multiple views available of issues assigned to you. You can see:

  • Unread issues assigned to you
  • Issues assigned to you for each active milestone
  • All issues assigned to you

Updating and Closing Problems

Once you have an existing problem open, you can make any edits to it you need to. Adjust the title, component, milestone, assignee, state, or add comments, relationships or keywords.

Your changes are not reflected to others on your team until you save them. To do this, choose File → Save (⌘S) on the Mac, or tap the Save button on iOS to push your changes to the server.

Finding Other Problems

Suppose you’re pretty sure that a Problem already exists somewhere, if only you could find it.

If you know some part of the title, you can choose File → Search All Problems (⌘⇧F) on the Mac, or Tap the search icon on iOS, and type the title. Matching problems will appear in the list below automatically.

Problems within existing views shown in the overview can also be filtered down simply by tapping the item in the Overview, and then using the search box at the top of the window / screen.

If you need to get more specific to find the problem, on the Mac you can click the Refine Search toolbar button in the Overview window to show the advanced find controls. From here, you can build a custom search query across many fields.


To build additional AND, OR, or NOT query clauses, hold down the option key in the advanced find controls and click on the … button.

Building Custom Queries

Using the Mac version of Ship, you can build and save custom queries that will be visible on all of your computers, including your iOS devices.

As above, in Finding Other Problems, you can bring up the advanced find controls using the Refine Search button in the Overview window’s toolbar. Build the query to your specifications, and then click Save to give your query a name and save it.

You can even share the query with other people on your team by using Edit → Copy URL with the query selected in the Overview sidebar.

Tracking Progress

Ship includes a powerful charting facility for tracking progress across any metric. Track burn up or burn down progress on a milestone. Track incoming vs fix rate. See who on your team is filing the most problems and who is fixing the most.

At a high level, progress charts are viewable in the Overview by first choosing an item such as a milestone or a query, and then choosing the Chart button in the toolbar (or navigation bar on iOS).

The default chart view displays the number of problems matching the criteria selected in the overview plotted over time. However, the chart can be customized (View → Chart Options on Mac or via the settings navigation bar item on iOS) to show different types of data.